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Green Policies

Green Web hosting

Jamblemag.com is hosted by the eco-friendly Solar Energy Host.  Solar Energy Host houses it’s servers in North Americas only public 100% solar powered data center. No greenhouse gases are produced to power these servers.

Green Travel policies

  • Where possible we travel overland rather than fly.
  • We recycle on the road and choose eco-friendly accommodation where possible.
  • We aim to pack used or recycled gear, and if we have to buy new, we look for lightweight and eco-friendly products.
  • Where possible we take part in locally operated tours that benefit the local community.
  • We eat local food, drink the local beer!

Buy One Send One mosquito net campaign

against malariaFor every sponsorship package sold by jamble, we will send a mosquito net to malaria endemic nations through the charity Against Malaria.

Malaria is a preventable disease, yet 1 million people die every year from malaria every year - 70% of them under five years old.  A simple mosquito net is the most effective way of stopping people contracting malaria.
The charity Against Malaria only buys 'Long lasting insecticidal nets' - mosquito nets impregnated with insecticide. The insecticide lasts for 4-5 years. Hence 'long lasting'. LLINs work in 2 ways: a mechanical barrier against malaria-carrying mosquitoes that bite at night; they kill mosquitoes on contact

100% of funds raised by Against Malaria is spent on purchasing and distributing mosquito nets. Since the charity was founded over 840,000 nets have been donated to countries across Africa, Asia and Southern and Central America.

Buying a sponsorship is not the only way you can help the charity - simply head to the Jamble sponsor page at Against Malaria to donate funds at any time.







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